



1. 连接不上:无法连接,请稍后重试。Unable to connect. Please try again later. WhatsApp暂时无法使用。问题可能由不良的网络连接产生,请您有良好的网络连接时再说。

2. 临时封禁:您将可以再这个时间后再次使用WhatsApp,时间一般为几个小时。

3. 突然下线:您的电话号码已经不在此手机上的WhatsApp注册。可能因为您在其他手机上已经注册WhatsApp。如果您没有这样做,请验证您的电话号码以重新登陆到您的账户。被禁止使用WhatsApp了,请联系客户服务需求帮助。

4. 验证码等待时间越来越久:最开始是几分钟,然后到三五个小时,后来到12小时,到24小时,越来越久。

5. 不能发短信:我们无法发送短信至您的号码,请检查您的号码并于1小时后再试一次。We couldn’t send an SMS to your number. Please check your number and try again in 1 hour.

6. 语音太频繁:您尝试了语音验证码太多次。如要验证,请点击“重发验证码”。你打电话确认的次数太多了。要验证,请点击“重新发送代码”。You tried verifying with a call too many times. To verify, tap “Resend Code”。You tried verifying with a call too many times. To verify, tap “Resend SMS” in ** minutes.

7. -1秒重试:您已经猜测太多次了。请与您的移动供应商核实您能接收短信和电话。请等待接收新的验证码。请在-1秒钟后重试。You have guessed too many times. Please check with your mobile provider that you can receivee SMS and phone calls. Please wait for a new code to be sent. Try again after -1 seconds.

8. 致电给我变灰或变没:No Call Me button,Call Me button is greyed。

9. 电话被中断:短信提示有电话进来,但是实际没接到;或者是电话说到“您的验证码是”,然后就没了。


直接发邮件申诉:如果你发现你的号码被禁止使用 Whatsapp,用你的电子邮件写一封申诉邮件至support@support.whatsapp.com 。叙述使用模式并请求团队解除 Whatsapp 禁令。 微信联系我

在线提交表格:进入WhatsApp官网,选择Contact Us,会出现几个类别。如果是 WhatsApp Business 帐户,请选择第二个选项。

发送带WhatsApp日志附件的邮件:当 Whatsapp 禁止您使用它时,您会收到一个弹出窗口,“您的电话号码被禁止使用 Whatsapp。Contact support for help”,带有两个按钮,“Support”和“Cancel”。在那里,点击Support按钮,然后选择邮件申诉,就可以将WhatsApp日志自动附带在申诉邮件中。如果你的手机提示没有邮件客户端,那需要先安装邮件客户端才能发送邮件。【我的微信视频号有视频教程】


Thanks for contacting WhatsApp. Our support team has received your request. We’ll reach out to you regarding your inquiry as soon as we can.
We look forward to assisting you.



We’d love to hear from you! Tell us about your WhatsApp support experience by completing this four-question survey, tap here to get started.

If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us. We’ll be happy to help!



We have reason to believe your account activity has violated our Terms of Service and decided to keep your account banned. We received a large number of complaints about your account and to protect our users’ privacy, we won’t disclose the nature of the complaints.

Unfortunately, responses to this email thread won’t be read.


Thanks for your message.
Our system flagged your account activity as a violation of our Terms of Service and banned your phone number. We value you as a user, and apologize for any confusion or inconvenience this may have caused.
After reviewing your account activity, we’ve removed the ban so you should now have access to WhatsApp.
As a next step, we recommend re-registering your phone number on WhatsApp to ensure you have access.
You can visit our website to download WhatsApp or the WhatsApp Business app.
You can learn more about how to use WhatsApp responsibly in this Help Center article.
Note: We don’t provide support for unsupported apps, devices, or versions of WhatsApp, or jailbroken or rooted devices. Learn more about our supported operating systems in this article. For more information about unofficial apps and why we don’t support these apps, you can refer to this article.



Thanks for your message.

Your WhatsApp account was banned because our system flagged your account activity as a violation of our Terms of Service.

After reviewing your account activity, we’ve removed the ban so you should now have access to WhatsApp.

To avoid this situation in the future, you should abide by the following:

  • Get permission from your contacts before you add them to a group.
  • Only communicate with users you know and those who wish to receive messages from you.
  • Don’t send unsolicited promotional or repetitive messages.
  • Follow our Terms of Service.
  • Only download WhatsApp from trusted sources like the Google Play Store or Apple App store.
    You can visit our website to download WhatsApp or the WhatsApp Business app.

Please keep in mind, we can reinstate an account ban if the account activity continues to violate our Terms of Service. We recommend carefully reviewing the “Acceptable Use of Our Services” section of our Terms of Service to learn more about the appropriate uses of WhatsApp and the activities that violate our Terms of Service. You can learn more about how to use WhatsApp responsibly in this Help Center article.

Note: We don’t provide support for unsupported apps, devices, or versions of WhatsApp, or jailbroken or rooted devices. Learn more about our supported operating systems in this article. For more information about unofficial apps and why we don’t support these apps, you can refer to this article.


Thanks for your message.
Verifying your phone number with a registration code is the only way you can activate your account.
To complete the registration process and activate your account, your device must:

  • Have an active SIM card for the number you’re activating. Unsupported phone numbers, such as VoIP, landlines, toll-free, paid premium numbers, universal access numbers (UAN), shared cost, and personal numbers can’t be registered on WhatsApp. Make sure you enter your phone number in full international format.
  • Have a stable internet and cellular connection to receive SMS and/or phone calls for the phone number you’re activating. If you’re abroad, you must be able to receive international SMS and/or phone calls. If you’re abroad and roaming, keep in mind that this might incur extra charges.
  • Note: If you have a prepaid line, make sure you have enough balance to receive SMS or phone calls.
  • Once you’ve confirmed the requirements are met, follow the troubleshooting steps based on the issue you’re experiencing:
    You didn’t receive a code: It can take time for the registration code to be sent to you. If you haven’t received your code after 24 hours or still can’t register your account, please reach out with your number in full international format.
  • You must wait before requesting another code: Please wait the amount of time indicated on your device before requesting another code.
    Your phone number isn’t supported: Confirm you entered your correct phone number in full international format. WhatsApp doesn’t support VoIP numbers.
  • If these troubleshooting steps don’t resolve the issue you’re experiencing, send us your number in full international format, and we’ll look into this for you.

To activate your account, WhatsApp sends you a registration code through SMS or phone call. Unfortunately, recent attempts to deliver this code via SMS have been unsuccessful.
We recommend following these steps:
Make sure you have an active SIM card in the phone for the phone number you want to register.
Try moving to a different location to get a cellular connection.
After following these steps, request the registration code via SMS again. If you don’t receive a registration code, try requesting a new code via phone call. For most regions, if you choose this option and have voicemail enabled, our automated system will leave you a voicemail with your code.
If these steps don’t fix the issue, please contact your mobile provider for additional information.

If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us. We’ll be happy to help!


Thanks for your message.
We’ve checked the service report, and it appears that your account is active with no issues.


四、WhatsApp 在控制什么?

1. 防滥发消息,骚扰正常用户


2. 验证码请求太频繁,影响正常用户的登陆验证


3. 保护用户账号安全,防止黑客破解盗号

WhatsApp 经端到端加密保护,所以WhatsApp官方也没有足够信息来辨认想要验证你 WhatsApp 帐号的人是谁,但又的保障你WhatsApp账号的安全。有时候有黑客会通过不断试错来猜测WhatsApp的验证码,如果WhatsApp官方控制不好,可能你的账户会被黑客通过不断尝试而暴力破解。


为了进一步保护WhatsApp账号的安全,WhatsApp推出了两步验证功能。你在WhatsApp启用两步验证后,可以设置一个PIN码,当需要重新登陆WhatsApp时必须先输入PIN码。同时为了防止你忘记PIN码,WhatsApp还让你留一个邮箱,当忘记密码时可以通过邮箱找回。同时为帮助你记住 PIN 码,WhatsApp 将定期提示您输入 PIN 码。如果遇到你的新号但是提示PIN码的,说明之前号的所有者注册过WhatsApp并设置了PIN码,而你无法输入,那必需等待 7 天之后才可登录。


结合我们经常遇到的WhatsApp的九种提示,以及我们发邮件申诉后 WhatsApp 给我们的回复邮件,加上我自己的分析,WhatsApp不能登录的问题其实是分两类的:【微信联系我

  • 一类是WhatsApp被封了,因为明确的群发消息或者是被客户莫名其妙地举报,也可能因为更换设备或频繁更换IP地址;推荐阅读:WhatsApp账号被封的常见原因(含临时封禁和永久封禁)
  • 一类是纯粹验证码问题,因为频繁请求验证码导致WhatsApp降低验证频率或拒绝发验证码。


经验来讲,使用日志作为附件来申诉成功率更高,但要注意,在申诉前将WhatsApp的存储空间进行彻底清空。这样,如果你确实存在骚扰客户的行为,清空存储空间会增加WhatsApp误判的几率,提升自己申诉成功的概率。要提醒的是, 如果清空WhatsApp存储空间,会删除本地的所有WhatsApp聊天记录,只能靠云端备份来恢复了,具体参见https://www.jiadingqiang.com/5191.html。当然,如果你是询盘云用户的话, 这个问题不用担心,询盘云已经将你的WhatsApp联系人和聊天记录做了实时的云端备份。


对于收不到验证码问题,一定要知道一个现状,目前在中国大陆肯定是收不到WhatsApp的短信验证码的,因为政府在管控和过滤,唯一可能接到验证码的途径就是语音验证码,也就是点WhatsApp的致电给我,英文版是Call Me按钮。




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