谷歌发布Instant Page

Earlier today we announced Instant Pages, a new feature to help users get to their desired search results even faster–in some cases even instantly! The Instant Pages feature is enabled by prerendering technology that we are building into Chrome and then is intelligently triggered by web search when we’re very confident about which result is the best answer for the user’s search.

This prerendering technology is currently in the Chrome Dev Channel and will be going to Beta later this week.

You can see Instant Pages in action in this video:

At Google we’re obsessed with speed. We’ve seen time and time again how an increase in apparent speed leads to a direct increase in user happiness and engagement. Instant Pages helps visitors arrive at your site faster. When we trigger Instant Pages for your site, users can start interacting with your site almost immediately, without having to wait for text and images to load. We’ll only trigger Instant Pages when we have very high confidence that your site is the exact result users are looking for. Search traffic will be measured in Webmaster Tools just like before this feature, with only results the user visited counted. We’ll take the time this summer before the feature launches in stable versions of Chrome to collect your feedback.

The vast majority of sites will automatically work correctly when prerendered in Chrome. Check out the prerendering post on the Chromium blog if you want to learn more about how prerendering works in Chrome or how you can detect that your site is being prerendered.

Written by Ziga Mahkovec, Software Engineer


Google启动了一个叫instant page的功能,可以缓存某些搜索结果排名第一的网站。当用户在搜索这些网站的时候,就可以省去了等待图片和文字下载的时间,提高用户的搜索体验。对于为什么只缓存排名第一的网站,Google是这么解释的:因为Google对自己的算法很有信心,确信排名第一的网站就是用户要寻找的网站。当然,这个功能需要浏览器的支持,当前在chrome浏览器中可以使用。需要注意的是,Google会缓存某些排名第一的网站,并不是所有的。只有Google确信用户是在找这个网站时,才会缓存。


一是Google的instant page缓存你的网站,会不会影响Google管理员工具里网站的点击次数。这个问题Google回答的很明确——不会:Search traffic will be measured in Webmaster Tools just like before this feature, with only results the user visited counted.

二是需要对网站做哪些修改才能更适合Google的instant page功能。Google的回答是——大部分网站不用做任何修改:The vast majority of sites will automatically work correctly when prerendered in Chrome。

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《谷歌发布Instant Page》有4条评论

  1. 谷歌确实有很大的能力,我一般搜索软件的时候,百度前个天根本就是没有下载地址的页面
